Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Who's that girl? (Attempts on Her Life - National Theatre)

Ann is a lover. Ann is a genius. Ann is a pornstar.
Ann is a terrorist. Ann is a artist. Ann is a tourist guide.
Ann is a suicide. Ann is a Mother. Ann is a sports car.

Attempts on Her Life, Martin Crimp's '12 [Update: actually 17] situations for the theatre' currently playing at the National, is less a play and more a piece of performance art. Exploring through the never seen Ann, the late 20th century obsessions of sex, violence, consumerism, TV, and some more sex. Katie Mitchel's high tech and high energy production employs 11 actors and a multitude of cameras to tell the multitude of stories of Ann's life.

Its a disjointed, and at times alienating production. Most of the action on stage is of the actors filming each other, the results being edited together to tell the story on a big screen hovering above the cavernous Lyttelton stage (striped completely bear for this production). However, it is also by turns hilarious and touching, as Crimp satirises many elements of modern life.

This is obviously a play that splits audiences, and the critics (Mark Shenton rounds up the critics views here) Whilst some people were walking out in disgust within half an hour, I loved (most) of it. Its not a play you can really emotionally engage with, and some of the references are a little dated 10 years on, but if you are willing to go with the unconventional staging, structure, and the occasional bum note, it is well worth the effort.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've created a similar round-up on my own site. Glad you liked the production!

(PS - 'Tis 17 Scenarios for the theatre, not 12... although in this production, the first has been cut!)

2:31 am  
Blogger Bernard said...


Thanks, post has been corrected.

9:44 pm  

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