Monday, December 17, 2007

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalpyse sit around and drink cocktails

One for the converted perhaps, but if you have a couple of hours to spare the new video from the Richard Dawkins Foundation the grandly titled "The Four Horsemen" is worth a look (you can download it here). The title is rather misleading. This has the feeling of a self-help group for atheist intellectuals rather than the full bore attack on the godly you may expect, as four of the more high profile advocates of what has been dubbed the New Atheism (Christopher Hitchens, Daniel Dennet, Sam Harris, and Dawkins himself) moan about how they have been misrepresented and swap stories about the madness of those who attack them. The interest derives from the tensions this exposes between their various approaches. Whilst Dawkins is the gentle enemy of unreason and wishes it to be driven from the land, Hitchens has a much more political project of tackling extremism and wouldn't want religion to disappear completely as who would he argue with (George Galloway?). Harris meanwhile makes an unexpected, although not unwelcome plea for naturalists to claim the transcendent and the 'spiritual' for themselves.


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